BlogGet To Know The Best Ways To Treat Cracked Feet

Best Ways To Treat Cracked Feet

With the cosy atmosphere and temperature due to winter, most people in the UK experience issues of cracked heels. As bad as this condition could get, it deteriorates at the onset of cold weather and makes one’s feet ugly and also painful. So, if you are looking for the perfect way through which you can treat your cracked feet, here at Direct Care we feature a wide range of effective treatments from branded foot care products to help you prevent and heal cracked feet.  However, it is important to know both, how to heal cracked feet and how to prevent cracked heels. To help you understand, here are the best ways to treat cracked feet.

What Causes Dry Feet & Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels, also known as heel fissures, are common in people, most especially during winter. They start with dry skin that thickens and then cracks, causing pain and discomfort. The skin around the heel may become flaky, painful, and discoloured. Though the primary cause is dry skin, there are other contributing causes for cracked heels: 

  • Standing for a long time on hard surfaces 
  •  Wearing open-back footwear 
  • Harsh weather
  • Calluses Obesity
  • Skin diseases such as athlete’s foot, eczema, or psoriasis
  • Lack of certain vitamins and other health conditions

Symptoms of Cracked Heels

The general symptoms seen are flakiness of the skin, itchiness, severe pain, bleeding, redness, and swelling of the heel. In cases of health disorders such as psoriasis, diabetic foot ulcers, or cellulitis can be caused.

5 Ways to Treat Cracked Heels

1. Creams or foot balm

These are over-the-counter lotions, typically containing ingredients such as urea, salicylic acid, and alpha hydroxy acids that can soften the skin and help strip away dead skin. 

2. Soaking and exfoliation

by soaking your feet in a shallow volume of lukewarm water, thereby helping to denude the skin and create gaps between the dead skin cells, the patient can prevent further cracking and exfoliate the dead skin with a pumice stone.

3. Liquid Bandage

This is considered a very effective treatment in sealing cracks, and protecting against infections, and may be useful if the heels are bleeding.

4. Home Remedies

Vegetable Oil

To moisturise and anti-inflammatory action.


Antimicrobial properties, can be used as a mask on your feet


Mix with warm water and soak in it.

Mouth wash

Antiseptic action kills germs

5. Professional Treatment

A Doctor should be consulted when the case is serious, whereby treatment such as strapping, insoles, debridement and prescription medicines may be prescribed.

How to Avoid Cracked Heels

Preventative care is the best. Institute daily care by washing and moisturising your feet, as well as checking your feet for changes or symptoms in a routine daily plan. The following tips can help you keep your feet healthy by paying particular attention to these hints to avoid potential problems with your feet:

  • Avoid standing for long periods on hard surfaces
  • Wear proper fitting supportive shoes with closed backs
  • Eat a well-balanced diet to help avoid vitamin deficiencies

When to See a Podiatrist

If your cracked heels are extremely bad, or if it is infected, or not responding to the home treatments, it is about time to see a podiatrist. Ongoing symptoms are indicative of underlying disorders that need professional attention.

The Final Word

Keeping the feet soaking, abrasion, and moisturising will help keep cracked heels in check. Over-the-counter creams can be used for treatment, as well as infrequent pedicures to keep the feet soft and smooth. Also, here at Direct Care, we have the best way to treat cracked feet. Our curated collection of foot care products is designed to help you find the right products to treat and prevent cracked heels. If the symptoms persist or worsen, one should consult with a medical professional to rule out serious conditions causing the symptoms.

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